Absence Verification

Fall 2024 Deadlines

Due to the high volume of requests received at the end of the semester, the deadline to submit requests (including the online request form AND supporting documentation) for absences that occur during the first 13 weeks of the Fall 2024 semester is Friday, November 15, 2024 at 5pm.

The deadline to submit requests (including the online request form AND supporting documentation) for absences that occur between November 15 and the last day of final exams for the Fall 2024 semester is Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 5pm.

Students enrolled in first half term or second half term classes for fall or spring semesters should review the University’s academic calendar and submit requests and documentation by the last date of finals for the relevant term.

Please note that while Student Assistance and Support Services can help verify certain documented circumstances (please see the information below regarding types of absences SASS does and does not verify), such verification does not guarantee an excused absence, rescheduled coursework, and/or make up exam. The final decision for approval of all absences and missed work is determined by the instructor.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit supporting documentation to SASS in order for the office to verify absences. 

Submit your Absence Verification Request

Please review all information outlined on this page regarding semester deadlines, types of absences our office can verify, and other important information about the process, before submitting your request for absence verification.

In order to process your request for assistance, please fill out our Online Request Form.

Original documentation must be provided for formal verification and can be submitted in the following ways:

Attached to your Absence Verification Request Form as a PDF (preferred method)

Fax: 704-687-1969


Mail/Hand Deliver:  
Office of Student Assistance and Support Services
349 Cone University Center
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223

Requesting an Absence Verification:

A student may request assistance from the Office of Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS) for verification of medical, personal/family emergency, military orders, and court order absences by submitting an online request form and providing supporting documentation. Beginning with the Spring 2023 semester, students requesting absence verification for COVID-19 positive results must provide official medical documentation from a provider noting their positive test results and any additional dates they are to remain out of classes. At-home tests will not be accepted as supporting documentation. Any requests for verification of absences due to car trouble, traffic/transportation issues, weather issues, personal travel or activities, work conflicts, weddings, vacations, or participation in out-of-classroom activities such as student conferences, etc., must be directed to the student’s faculty member(s). Please see the expandable boxes below for information regarding each of the four types of absences that SASS will verify.

Documentation of the circumstance, illness, or condition must be on medical practice letterhead and/or other official medical documentation with the name and phone number of the provider/practice, signed and dated by the medical provider, and include the date(s) of treatment as well as the student’s anticipated date to return to class/work. Any additional absences not noted on documentation will need to be discussed directly with the instructor. SASS cannot officially verify dates for statements such as “fever-free for 24 hours” or “in __ days.” SASS can only verify a start and end date of care or an anticipated return date on medical letterhead.

SASS defines immediate family members as: spouse/partner, parent, sibling, child, and/or grandparent. SASS must be able to verify the relationship between the student and the immediate family member in order to advocate for academic accommodation.

In cases of family illness (immediate family members only), the student must provide medical documentation of the family member’s illness and that the student was in attendance on the date(s) they were absent, which must be presented on medical practice letterhead, signed and dated by the attending physician. Such a letter can also include the relationship between the student and the family member, as noted by the attending physician.

In the unfortunate circumstance that a student experiences the passing of an immediate family member, the student must provide an obituary, memorial service pamphlet, or other documentation that includes: the date of the family member’s passing, date of funeral/memorial service, the city and state the services were held, and the relationship between the student and the family member.

The student must provide official military orders signed and dated by a commanding officer/designee. Orders must include the name of the student as well as dates of departure and return. If the orders do not include the name of the student, our office must receive communication (email or fax) from the student’s Commanding Officer verifying the student’s name and validity of the orders.

When being called to jury duty or subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness. Documentation must state you have attended court as a witness, victim, or are reporting for jury duty. Student Assistance and Support Services does not advocate for students who are required to appear in court as a defendant.

Additional Considerations:

Any requests from students for academic accommodations due to a qualified, documented disability are encouraged to register with the Office of Disability Services and to connect directly with this office for additional support. Any requests from students for academic accommodations due to pregnancy should be directed to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX via their online request form.

Please keep in mind the following when submitting your request:

  • In each case, Student Assistance and Support Services must have documentation in order to verify the circumstance, take action, and advocate on behalf of a student. Our office may take steps to call medical providers or others to validate any documentation submitted. Submission of falsified documentation by a student may result in charges under the Code of Student Responsibility and inability to utilize Absence Verification in the future. 
  • We do not accept notes written or signed by family members.
  • Please note that while Student Assistance and Support Services can help verify the documented circumstance, such verification does not guarantee an excused absence, rescheduled coursework, and/or makeup exam. The final decision regarding the actual absence verification and/or accommodation lies with the individual faculty member.
  • Student Assistance and Support Services highly recommends students communicate with faculty one-on-one about absences.
  • If multiple consecutive dates are requested, notification to faculty regarding absence verification will be sent after the last date in case fewer or additional dates are needed by the student.

UNC Charlotte Academic Policy: Classroom Attendance

Each instructor determines the classroom policies (including attendance regulations) for his or her courses. In general, students are expected to attend punctually all scheduled sessions in the courses for which they are registered, to demonstrate civil behavior while in class, and to complete all of the course requirements. Instructors may outline additional and more specific standards in the course syllabus, especially when attendance is part of the grading criteria for the class. For online synchronous classes, instructors can choose to take attendance with any technology available to them. Absences from class may be excused by the instructor for such reasons as personal illness or participating as an authorized University representative in an out-of-town event. Whenever possible, students are expected to seek the permission of the instructor prior to absences. Absences for religious holidays fall under University Policy 409: Religious Accommodation for Students.